Una historia oral de Twin Peaks por sus estrellas inolvidables: “Me puse mi uniforme de camarera y empecé a sollozar” | Televisión

It was haunting and beautiful. We listened in silence, and then David said: “This is our song. This is our show.”

Ashbrook: I remember the first time I saw the pilot. I watched it at my agent’s office. It was so different and unique. I thought: “This is either going to be a huge hit or a huge bomb.”

Robie: We were all so excited. We had no idea what it was going to be, but we knew it was going to be good. You could feel it.

Frost: When the show aired, we had an 18 share, which was terrible. We were supposed to be a smash hit, but we were up against Cheers and the ratings were terrible. I was totally depressed. But then I went into the office the next day and the phone was ringing off the hook. The network said: “What are you guys doing for next year?”

Amick: I remember watching the premiere in Los Angeles with my family. I was so nervous, because it was a David Lynch project. I didn’t know if people were going to get it. But from the first moment, when the body is found on the beach, I knew it was going to be something special.

Ontkean: The first season was a huge hit. People were watching it all over the world. We all felt like rock stars.

Horse: It was an extraordinary time. We were like the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. People would come and watch us shoot.

Frost: I don’t believe we’ll ever see anything like it again. It was a very special time, and I know how lucky we were to be a part of it.

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Amick: It’s amazing to see the impact the show still has today. People are still discovering it and falling in love with it. It’s a testament to the incredible work of David Lynch and Mark Frost.

Amick: David was always so calm and collected, even when things got chaotic on set. He had this aura of creativity and passion that was infectious. You couldn’t help but be inspired by him.

Frost: David had a way of making everyone feel like they were part of something special. He had a vision and he knew how to bring it to life, but he also valued the input and creativity of everyone involved.

Horse: Working with David was like being in a dream. He had this way of making the surreal seem completely natural. It was a truly magical experience.

Overall, the production of Twin Peaks was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for everyone involved. The combination of talented cast and crew, along with David Lynch’s unique vision, created a show that continues to captivate audiences to this day.

And Sherilyn was very much against that. She said to David and Mark: “I don’t think this is right for my character.” And David said: “OK, we won’t do it.” He was very respectful of his actors’ opinions and feelings.

Ontkean: I think David was always very graceful in how he handled the actors and the creative process. He was very generous and supportive. He was a brilliant guy and a great leader.

Amick: In the end, I think the second season kind of lost its way a little bit. But that’s part of the magic of Twin Peaks. It was always pushing boundaries and trying new things.

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Frost: We were trying to maintain the quality and the vision of the show, but it was a difficult time. Networks were getting impatient, the audience was getting impatient. And we were trying to keep up with the demands of the production.

‘It was a beautiful experience’p>

Chen: I look back on Twin Peaks with such fondness and gratitude. It was such an amazing time in my life.

Amick: It was the first time in my career where I felt like: “Wow, I’m doing something really special.”

Ontkean: Twin Peaks was just an extraordinary experience. It was groundbreaking television.

Ashbrook: It was a beautiful experience. It was a great time in my life.

Sutherland: It was a magical time. It was a magical group of people.

Frost: Looking back, I feel incredibly grateful for the experience. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work on something so unique and so special.

Amick: Twin Peaks will always hold a special place in my heart. It was a truly unforgettable experience.

We all miss him terribly. He was a simply wonderful guy. He was so creative and so full of ideas. He had such a unique vision, and he was able to bring that vision to life in such a beautiful and captivating way. Twin Peaks will always be a testament to his genius and his ability to create something truly special.

His legacy will live on through his work, and through the impact he had on all of us who had the privilege of working with him. Rest in peace, David Lynch. You will always be remembered and cherished.

And as for Twin Peaks, it will continue to be a timeless classic that will be enjoyed and appreciated for generations to come. The story, the characters, and the world that David Lynch created will always hold a special place in the hearts of fans everywhere. Twin Peaks will never truly be gone, it will always be a part of our lives in some way or another.

Estoy seguro de que contribuyó.

Amick: Me resulta difícil encontrar palabras para expresar la pérdida de un genio magistral, pero, más importante aún, de una persona simplemente maravillosa. Siempre digo que mi tiempo con él fue una bendición y una maldición. Me sumergí en la magia de David Lynch y eso ha marcado toda mi carrera. Pero luego la maldición fue que tuve que salir a trabajar con directores de cine ordinarios. Él me malcrió.

Frost: Tuve algunas conversaciones realmente agradables con él en los últimos años, mientras enfrentaba su nueva realidad y las limitaciones que le imponían, pero nunca limitaron su mente. Y mientras la tuviera, se sentía libre. Nunca se compadeció de sí mismo. La autocompasión no estaba en su léxico. Fue una pérdida terrible para todos. Además, fue un querido amigo de 40 años. Era un personaje tan indeleble y tan singular en muchos aspectos. Es una subestimación ridícula decir que nunca volveré a conocer a alguien como él.

Un Encuentro de los Ángeles, un festival que celebra la obra de David Lynch, se llevará a cabo en el Reino Unido más adelante este año