Demandas acusan antisemitismo, violaciones de derechos civiles en escuela autónoma y distrito de escuela secundaria de California

The lawsuit also alleges that the school principal, Karen Van Putten, and other administrators failed to take any action to address the situation despite being informed of the ongoing harassment. The lawsuit claims that the school’s inaction created a hostile environment for Jewish students and violated their civil rights.

In response to the lawsuit, Sequoia Union High School District issued a statement saying they take all allegations of discrimination seriously and are committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students. They stated that they have initiated an investigation into the allegations and will take appropriate action based on the findings.

The lawsuit against University Prep Academy in San Jose also alleges similar instances of harassment and discrimination against Jewish students. The lawsuit claims that the school and county and state officials failed to intervene despite being made aware of the situation, leading to the withdrawal of the student from the school.

Both lawsuits highlight the importance of addressing discrimination and creating a safe and inclusive environment for all students. It is crucial for schools and officials to take allegations of harassment seriously and take appropriate action to ensure the well-being of all students.

“It’s a last resort,” she said. “Nobody wants to sue a school district. It’s a huge step to take. It’s expensive and it’s emotionally difficult, but sometimes it’s the only way to stop the harassment and discrimination. These parents felt they had no other choice.”

The families are represented by a team of lawyers, including Rosenberg-Wohl, and the Deborah Project, a nonprofit that provides legal representation to victims of anti-Semitic harassment and discrimination. The families are seeking damages for emotional distress, the cost of private schooling, and punitive damages.

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“It’s really sad that this happens in the Bay Area, where we pride ourselves on being a progressive and tolerant community,” Marcus said. “But we’re seeing more and more of this type of harassment and discrimination. It’s time to stand up and say, ‘This is not acceptable.’”

As the lawsuits proceed, the families and their legal team hope to bring attention to the issue of anti-Semitic harassment and discrimination in schools and to hold school districts accountable for failing to protect students.

“It’s not just about these families,” Marcus said. “It’s about sending a message that this behavior is not okay, and that schools have a responsibility to protect all students from harassment and discrimination.”

“We hope that by bringing these lawsuits, we can make schools safer for Jewish students and students of all backgrounds,” she added.

The Deborah Project offers legal support to victims of anti-Semitic harassment and discrimination. If you or someone you know has experienced harassment or discrimination, you can contact them at their website:

Una demanda fue la siguiente opción.

Las familias están buscando que el tribunal ordene una docena de remedios. Estos incluyen:

  • Prohibir la discriminación y el acoso hacia sus hijos;
  • Prohibir que el distrito participe en cualquier conducta antisemita;
  • Ordenar al distrito que implemente una política integral que aborde el antisemitismo;
  • Proporcionar capacitación a todos los maestros, administradores y personal en estrategias para promover la empatía y el respeto hacia individuos judíos y su conexión con Israel;
  • Terminar cualquier maestro que se encuentre que haya participado en discriminación antisemita; y
  • Crear requisitos transparentes para divulgar materiales del curso al público.

Las familias también piden que se designe a un maestro especial para monitorear el cumplimiento de las órdenes del tribunal durante tres años.

El Proyecto Deborah, un bufete de abogados de interés público que defiende los derechos civiles de los judíos en entornos educativos, con la asistencia pro bono de abogados de California en el bufete de abogados global Ropes and Gray, representan a las familias. El caso es Kasle, et al. v. Van Putten, et al.

Naomi Hunter, oficial de información pública de Sequoia Union, dijo que el distrito aún no ha sido notificado con la demanda. “Apoyamos un ambiente seguro para todos los estudiantes, y estamos muy preocupados cada vez que recibimos una queja sobre un ambiente hostil, pero no podemos responder más hasta que tengamos más información”, dijo.

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