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PITTSBURGH — The city of Pittsburgh has discovered an aspiring Hamas terrorist in its midst, who also happens to support Squad Democrats. The FBI and Pittsburgh police recently arrested two local residents on hate crime charges for defacing Jewish buildings in July. Shockingly, one of the individuals, Mohamad Hamad, identified himself as a “Hamas operative” and was found to have purchased and tested explosive materials for a potential attack. Hamad was a member of the Pennsylvania Air National Guard stationed near Pittsburgh International Airport.

The dual US and Lebanese citizen, who also donated to Squad Democrats, has expressed support for those who criticize Israel and advocate for an arms embargo against the country. His accomplice, Talya Lubit, who assisted in vandalizing Jewish buildings, has voiced anti-Semitic sentiments and supported anti-Israel resolutions. The charges against them are particularly concerning given recent assaults on Jewish students at the University of Pittsburgh and the overall rise of anti-Semitism within the Democratic Party.

Hamad’s intentions to carry out an attack were revealed through encrypted messages where he expressed a desire to become a martyr for Islam. He purchased explosive materials and planned a practice run for a future explosion. Lubit, on the other hand, struggled with her Jewish identity while engaging in anti-Israel activism.

The Beacon Coalition, a nonprofit organization combating anti-Semitism, expressed alarm over the radicalization of individuals like Hamad and Lubit, who were influenced by anti-Israel rhetoric from Democratic officials. The dangerous ideologies they adopted led to criminal acts and potential violence.

Both individuals have connections to Squad members in the Democratic Party, with Hamad donating to Rep. Ilhan Omar and Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who have made controversial statements regarding Israel. Lubit, along with other members of the Jewish community, defended Rep. Summer Lee, who has also been critical of Israel and called for a cease-fire in the region.

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The troubling incident in Pittsburgh serves as a stark reminder of the implications of extremist views and the importance of combating anti-Semitism within political spheres. Hubo un massacre en Israel. “Esta es la situación peligrosa que muchos de nosotros en la situación hemos estado tratando de transmitir a los funcionarios electos y a nuestros vecinos, que el uso de retórica violenta, el mal uso del lenguaje y el apoyo a antiguos tropos antisemitas nos hacen a nosotros y a nuestra comunidad menos seguros”, dijo Kazzaz. La representante Rashida Tlaib acusa a Israel de genocidio. AFP a través de Getty Images. Él culpó a los demócratas por cortejar a los votantes pro-palestinos para ganar elecciones por empoderar estas voces anti-Israel en el partido. Aunque el senador Bob Casey condenó la declaración de Lee culpando a Israel por el día más mortífero desde el Holocausto, el demócrata de Pensilvania sigue respaldando a Lee, lo que lleva a muchos demócratas judíos a considerar votar por su oponente republicano Dave McCormick. “Cuando [los demócratas] ponen el partido por encima del país, están barriendo estos peligros bajo la alfombra. Y estos arrestos son un reflejo de eso”, dijo Kazzaz. “El odio judío puede convertirse en situaciones realmente peligrosas y violentas.”